Thursday, June 6, 2013

Summer Plans!

Okay so summer is here and I have so many plans in store! I am finally done with finals so I have time to blog and do things I enjoy (obviously blogging is one of them)! These past two weeks were so stressful, studying for finals and all. I am just happy to chase a few things that I have done so far!

The day before finals, my friends and I took our dogs tot he dog beach. We were all pretty much over the stress of studying literally every minute, so we decided to take a break with out little pups!

We are going to try our hardest to take our babies to the doggy beach at least once a week this summer because the beach is perfect. It's also the best place to spot hot people with killer bodies. If our dogs wander off to their area, it gives us an excuse to talk to them :3 We are so excited!

Next, on May 30th (The day after finals) me and my friend Alex went to eat a yummy lunch at Panera. We were so excited because we were going to the Darren Criss concert that night! We left pretty early because the show was in Anaheim in Downtown Disney, which is about a two hour drive from San Diego (where we are from). It was a long drive and we were stuck in traffic for a while so we just stared out of the windows and looked at all the hot peeps. We literally could not find the entrance to the Disney parking structure for like half an hour. Once we did we quickly took the tram to Downtown Disney and got in line at The House of Blues with all of the other Darren Criss fans.It took a while to get inside but we made it!

The show was perfect! Darren is seriously such an amazing artist. We got to hear a few songs off of his new solo album that is coming out soon! We pretty much sang to every song with all the drunk moms at the show.  At the end confetti was flying everywhere and he finished with the song Circle of Life from the film The Lion King. We could not get over the show the entire drive back home. It was perfect. 

 On June 3rd, me and my best friend Alex met up with a couple of guys and went to the Mumford & Sons concert. It was another great show! In the photo above there is a huge wall behind us, a guy tried sneaking into the concert and we fell off of the wall because he was drunk! We don't even know if he died but it was pretty crazy. Everyone had a great time at the concert and Alex's guy friend came to sit with her for a bit but ht had front row seats so when the concert started up, he left. We also saw this really cute baby bunny hoping around the lawn seats. It was so cute! Back to the show; it was fantastic! Everyone was yelling at the top of their lungs and the lights were seriously perfect! Me and Alex didn't want the show to end! I swear she cried a little ;3

Basically that is all we have done this summer so far! It's only been a weekend and we have done some fun stuff. I can't wait to see what the rest of the summer holds for us!

  • Ke$ha concert
  • Warped Tour
  • Dog beach trips
  • Hikes
  • Beach camping
  • Movie nights
  • Late night trips to Lestats

I'm so excited to enjoy this time off from school! Keep checking up on my blog to see all of the fun stuff I do this summer!

Don't forget to follow my Tumblr, Instagram, and Twitter!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Getting over stress and becoming a happier person ♥

With so much stress that a lot of people go through, it is understandable for us to lose our cool. It is quite easy to deal with stress but most of the time we are so stressed out that we can't even think straight. These are a couple of things that I find useful in relieving stress and remaining calm, as well as putting me in a better mood.

Have some quiet time to yourself

I feel like we often forget how simply breathing in a quiet room can help us cool off some stress. It is important to take at least 10 minutes of your day to get everything off of your mind. It is as simple as it sounds, just sit in a quiet and empty room, and breathe. Don't think, just breathe. 

Listen to comforting music

Listening to music that makes you feel at peace is the best kind of music to listen to when you are under stress. I made a blog post earlier that has plenty of songs that put me in a better mood. Avoid music that has a sense of gloominess to it because that will only make you feel more depressed and add more stress. Michael BublĂ©'s voice puts me at ease so I recommend you guys check out his music.

Eat healthy

Eating healthy helps when you are under stress. A lot of people turn to food for comfort so eating healthy foods will be beneficial for you. It is better if you turn to low fat yogurt rather than a doughnut. It is best if you eat foods rich in vitamin B and C because stress brings these nutrients down from your body. It is safe to eat your favorite food, just don't overindulge yourselves.


Working out will release indorphins in your body and put you in a happier mood. Not only will working out release indrophins, but it will help you get into shape/ stay fit and there is nothing better than felling great about your body.

Surround yourself with people who want to be around you

Being around people who want to be around you as well will make you feel loved. It is important to be around people who want to be around you because being around those who don't appreciate you will only make you feel a lot less of yourself.

Love yourself

Accept who you are. I think that it is a little hard for some people to love themselves, but we have to accept ourselves for who we are and love everything about ourselves; and love what we have to offer to the world. Remember you ,are more than just what you look like so love everything about yourself, and don't critique your body so harshly. 

It is important to relieve stress because it can have negative effects on your body. Stress can lower your immune systems ability to fight sicknesses, and chronic stress can even lead to depression. Remember to set aside some time for yourself every once in a while, and love who you are.

Don't forget to subscribe to my blog and other social networking sites like tumblr and instagram.

Friday, April 12, 2013


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So recently I have been so motivated with doing good in school and saving up my money ( an extremely rare occurrence). I have been feeling extremely happy, and like an overall better person. Listening to this music makes me feel like I am surrounded by positive energy. I decided that I would dedicate a post to making a playlist of the positive and happy music most played on my phone. I hope you guys enjoy and check out some of these amazing artists!


Working Man - Imagine Dragons 
On Top of The World - Imagine Dragons
It's Time - Imagine Dragons
What You Know - Two Door Cinema Club
Sun - Two Door Cinema Club
Bubbly - Colbie Caillat
Banana Pancakes - Jack Johnson
Ho Hey - The Lumineers 
Beach - San Cisco 
Stay Out - Nina Nesbitt
I Will Wait - Mumford & Sons 
Lover of The Light - Mumford & Sons 
Falling - HAIM
Sweater Weather - The Neighbourhood
Pompeii - Bastille
Love Love Love - Avalanche City 
Lucky - Jason Mraz 
I Won't Give Up - Jason Mraz
I'm Yours - Jason Mraz
Your Body Is a Wonderland - John Mayer 

There you have it guys! These songs are usually what I listen to while I get ready for school, or when I'm keeping busy with school work. I feel like listening to relaxing music puts me in a better mood. I really hope you guys check out these lovely artists if you haven't yet! Feel free to leave a comment if we have similar music taste. Also, feel free to leave any song suggestions so I can check them out as well! 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

How To Get Rid of Puffy Eyes Using Tea Bags!

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So, perhaps some of you struggle with puffy and baggy eyes. I'm going to let you guys in on a little secret on how to get rid of them using tea bags! 

What You Will Need:
  • 2 Tea Bags
  • Water
  • A way to heat the water
  • A plate
  • A refrigerator
  • Bring water to a boil.
  • Let water cool for approximately 2-3 minutes.
  • Place two tea bags into the water with strings and tags hanging on the outside.
  • Allow the tea to brew for about five minutes
  • After the tea has finished brewing, remove the tea bags and place them on a plate.
  • Place the plate with the tea bags in the refrigerator for 5-10 minutes or until cool.
  • Once the tea bags have cooled, apply to puffy areas around your eyes for 10-15 minutes, turning them over halfway through the process.
  • Remove the tea bags and wash your face with cool water, removing any tea stains.
*Warm tea bags also have the same affect on puffy eyes and might be relaxing on a cool day*

I hope that some of you found this tip useful. As a college student, I suffer from not getting enough sleep because I stay up late studying and doing homework. Not getting enough hours of sleep is terrible, and it is what causes me to get puffy eyes. You guys will be amazed at how well this works! I know I was!

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Saturday, April 6, 2013

35 Facts About Me

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Here we go, 35 facts about me!
1. I am actually really shy in person.
2. I love animals.
3. I have a huge fear of mosquitoes.
4. I don't like soda.
5. I am actually highly allergic to cats.
6.  I currently go to college.
7. I am majoring in literature.
8. I have always enjoyed writing papers in school.
9. I have two dogs.
10. My dogs are my best friends.
11. I have a small, tight knit group of super close friends.
12. I actually listen to my dentist and brush my teeth 3 times a day.
13. I have prescribed eye glasses that I never wear.
14. I listen to a lot of different music genres.
15. I love horror films.
16. I love to paint.
17. I enjoy the Asian culture.
18. My favorite game is The Sims series.
19. When I was in high school I dyed my hair blue.
20. My favorite colors are pastel.
21. I am too forgiving a lot of the time.
22. I was born on April 26, 1993, making me a Taurus.
23. I absolutely love the rain.
24. I am obsessed with Marina and The Diamonds.
25. My favorite thing to eat is strawberries.
26. My favorite scent is vanilla.
27. I have a fear or being robbed.
28. Before I go to bed I triple check to make sure my dogs are in bed.
29. I used to have my earlobes stretched.
30. I have a problem with cleaning too much.
31. It is impossible for me to go to bed before midnight.
32. I want to move to New York City as soon as possible.
33. I have lived in California my entire life.
34. My favorite drinks are coffee, lemonade, and water.
35. I am afraid of the ocean.
Okay, so there you have it guys! I hope you all get to know me a little better after this! Stay posted for tips on how to naturally get rid of puffy and dark eye circles!
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Thursday, April 4, 2013

My Very First Post!

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So I'm going to start this personal blog soon. I hope that I start getting actual posts up by the end of this month. My first actual post will be a "20 Facts" post just so you guys can get to know who I am a little better. I will be doing item reviews on this blog, and I will notify you guys on my other social networking sites  (linked on the sidebar) when a new post is up or when I will be doing giveaways. That being said, I will be doing giveaways as soon as I have a decent amount of subscribers. I will give details on giveaways in future posts. Everything that I give my opinion on such as skin products, clothes, etc.,will be MY honest opinion; that is the purpose of this being my personal blog. I am so excited for the future of this blog! I hope you guys enjoy my posts and come back more often, or better yet, subscribe! 
Until my next post,
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