Thursday, June 6, 2013

Summer Plans!

Okay so summer is here and I have so many plans in store! I am finally done with finals so I have time to blog and do things I enjoy (obviously blogging is one of them)! These past two weeks were so stressful, studying for finals and all. I am just happy to chase a few things that I have done so far!

The day before finals, my friends and I took our dogs tot he dog beach. We were all pretty much over the stress of studying literally every minute, so we decided to take a break with out little pups!

We are going to try our hardest to take our babies to the doggy beach at least once a week this summer because the beach is perfect. It's also the best place to spot hot people with killer bodies. If our dogs wander off to their area, it gives us an excuse to talk to them :3 We are so excited!

Next, on May 30th (The day after finals) me and my friend Alex went to eat a yummy lunch at Panera. We were so excited because we were going to the Darren Criss concert that night! We left pretty early because the show was in Anaheim in Downtown Disney, which is about a two hour drive from San Diego (where we are from). It was a long drive and we were stuck in traffic for a while so we just stared out of the windows and looked at all the hot peeps. We literally could not find the entrance to the Disney parking structure for like half an hour. Once we did we quickly took the tram to Downtown Disney and got in line at The House of Blues with all of the other Darren Criss fans.It took a while to get inside but we made it!

The show was perfect! Darren is seriously such an amazing artist. We got to hear a few songs off of his new solo album that is coming out soon! We pretty much sang to every song with all the drunk moms at the show.  At the end confetti was flying everywhere and he finished with the song Circle of Life from the film The Lion King. We could not get over the show the entire drive back home. It was perfect. 

 On June 3rd, me and my best friend Alex met up with a couple of guys and went to the Mumford & Sons concert. It was another great show! In the photo above there is a huge wall behind us, a guy tried sneaking into the concert and we fell off of the wall because he was drunk! We don't even know if he died but it was pretty crazy. Everyone had a great time at the concert and Alex's guy friend came to sit with her for a bit but ht had front row seats so when the concert started up, he left. We also saw this really cute baby bunny hoping around the lawn seats. It was so cute! Back to the show; it was fantastic! Everyone was yelling at the top of their lungs and the lights were seriously perfect! Me and Alex didn't want the show to end! I swear she cried a little ;3

Basically that is all we have done this summer so far! It's only been a weekend and we have done some fun stuff. I can't wait to see what the rest of the summer holds for us!

  • Ke$ha concert
  • Warped Tour
  • Dog beach trips
  • Hikes
  • Beach camping
  • Movie nights
  • Late night trips to Lestats

I'm so excited to enjoy this time off from school! Keep checking up on my blog to see all of the fun stuff I do this summer!

Don't forget to follow my Tumblr, Instagram, and Twitter!

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