Sunday, April 21, 2013

Getting over stress and becoming a happier person ♥

With so much stress that a lot of people go through, it is understandable for us to lose our cool. It is quite easy to deal with stress but most of the time we are so stressed out that we can't even think straight. These are a couple of things that I find useful in relieving stress and remaining calm, as well as putting me in a better mood.

Have some quiet time to yourself

I feel like we often forget how simply breathing in a quiet room can help us cool off some stress. It is important to take at least 10 minutes of your day to get everything off of your mind. It is as simple as it sounds, just sit in a quiet and empty room, and breathe. Don't think, just breathe. 

Listen to comforting music

Listening to music that makes you feel at peace is the best kind of music to listen to when you are under stress. I made a blog post earlier that has plenty of songs that put me in a better mood. Avoid music that has a sense of gloominess to it because that will only make you feel more depressed and add more stress. Michael Bublé's voice puts me at ease so I recommend you guys check out his music.

Eat healthy

Eating healthy helps when you are under stress. A lot of people turn to food for comfort so eating healthy foods will be beneficial for you. It is better if you turn to low fat yogurt rather than a doughnut. It is best if you eat foods rich in vitamin B and C because stress brings these nutrients down from your body. It is safe to eat your favorite food, just don't overindulge yourselves.


Working out will release indorphins in your body and put you in a happier mood. Not only will working out release indrophins, but it will help you get into shape/ stay fit and there is nothing better than felling great about your body.

Surround yourself with people who want to be around you

Being around people who want to be around you as well will make you feel loved. It is important to be around people who want to be around you because being around those who don't appreciate you will only make you feel a lot less of yourself.

Love yourself

Accept who you are. I think that it is a little hard for some people to love themselves, but we have to accept ourselves for who we are and love everything about ourselves; and love what we have to offer to the world. Remember you ,are more than just what you look like so love everything about yourself, and don't critique your body so harshly. 

It is important to relieve stress because it can have negative effects on your body. Stress can lower your immune systems ability to fight sicknesses, and chronic stress can even lead to depression. Remember to set aside some time for yourself every once in a while, and love who you are.

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