Saturday, April 6, 2013

35 Facts About Me

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Here we go, 35 facts about me!
1. I am actually really shy in person.
2. I love animals.
3. I have a huge fear of mosquitoes.
4. I don't like soda.
5. I am actually highly allergic to cats.
6.  I currently go to college.
7. I am majoring in literature.
8. I have always enjoyed writing papers in school.
9. I have two dogs.
10. My dogs are my best friends.
11. I have a small, tight knit group of super close friends.
12. I actually listen to my dentist and brush my teeth 3 times a day.
13. I have prescribed eye glasses that I never wear.
14. I listen to a lot of different music genres.
15. I love horror films.
16. I love to paint.
17. I enjoy the Asian culture.
18. My favorite game is The Sims series.
19. When I was in high school I dyed my hair blue.
20. My favorite colors are pastel.
21. I am too forgiving a lot of the time.
22. I was born on April 26, 1993, making me a Taurus.
23. I absolutely love the rain.
24. I am obsessed with Marina and The Diamonds.
25. My favorite thing to eat is strawberries.
26. My favorite scent is vanilla.
27. I have a fear or being robbed.
28. Before I go to bed I triple check to make sure my dogs are in bed.
29. I used to have my earlobes stretched.
30. I have a problem with cleaning too much.
31. It is impossible for me to go to bed before midnight.
32. I want to move to New York City as soon as possible.
33. I have lived in California my entire life.
34. My favorite drinks are coffee, lemonade, and water.
35. I am afraid of the ocean.
Okay, so there you have it guys! I hope you all get to know me a little better after this! Stay posted for tips on how to naturally get rid of puffy and dark eye circles!
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