Thursday, April 4, 2013

My Very First Post!

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So I'm going to start this personal blog soon. I hope that I start getting actual posts up by the end of this month. My first actual post will be a "20 Facts" post just so you guys can get to know who I am a little better. I will be doing item reviews on this blog, and I will notify you guys on my other social networking sites  (linked on the sidebar) when a new post is up or when I will be doing giveaways. That being said, I will be doing giveaways as soon as I have a decent amount of subscribers. I will give details on giveaways in future posts. Everything that I give my opinion on such as skin products, clothes, etc.,will be MY honest opinion; that is the purpose of this being my personal blog. I am so excited for the future of this blog! I hope you guys enjoy my posts and come back more often, or better yet, subscribe! 
Until my next post,
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